Monday, 24 May 2021

Cold, Wet and Windy - Again!

The weekend was quite quiet and relaxing, for me at least - M was working his late shifts so had to leave home mid-afternoon. On Saturday morning we went over to drop some post off for H and went for a walk with her around the area, which currently has pockets of finished housing, partially built sections, and areas where building has barely started. Several building firms are working there, making it quite interesting to compare the different housing styles and sections of the estate. It will be a virtually a small town when finished, with two primary schools, a secondary school, a medical centre, playing fields, a community centre and local shops. It will be interesting to see it all come together - for now the facilities are pretty much limited to a couple of children's play areas. After our walk we went back to H's house for coffee, then left her to get on with studying as she has her next accountancy exams in a couple of weeks. 

Yesterday morning we did our regular three mile walk around the canal and the woods. It is all looking very green and springlike, but even now the trees are not fully in leaf. It is hard to believe that it is almost summer as it feels more like March or April. If it isn't cold, it's wet, and if it isn't wet, it's cold. We had quite a bit more rain over the weekend, though fortunately it didn't get too heavy while we walked. This week the weather is supposed to be getting warmer and drier. I certainly hope it does! I can't help wondering whether this spring only seems cold because we have become accustomed to the effects of global warming, but I'm pretty sure still wearing winter coats at the end of May is not normal. 

While M was at work, TG did some homework and I was mostly lazy, reading and watching some TV. I am working my way slowly through the Marvel movies, with TG half watching along with me. She says she wants to like them, but finds them long and difficult to follow - she loses concentration and then can't work out what is happening. I finished a warm, wool sweater I have been working on for the last few weeks. I'm pretty pleased with the way it has come out. I intended it to be for next winter, but it would actually be good for the weather we have been having so it may get worn earlier. 

Today M only had a small amount of freelance work to do, while I was busy all day with archive work. TG's dance exam ended up being rearranged for this afternoon instead of yesterday, after they managed to find a new examiner. M collected her from school at lunchtime, and chauffeured her to the dance school while I was working. She says she things the exam went well. 

1 comment:

elli said...

We love the Marvel films and tv shows, but yes! They are quite complex and require repeated viewings! We here have always discussed them thoroughly — for enjoyment as well as understanding! — hashing out the details, and then over the years have watched thru the series again and again — rather like rereading Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings again and again. Enjoyable :-)

How interesting it must be to live in a brand new town as it is being built up around one!

I hope your weather settles into a pleasant summer. Our spring has been a bit all over the place — as hot as 85F and then down below freezing, and back again, and now we're at 40F and the rain is coming ...