Sunday, 19 September 2021

A Little Love for Afghanistan

As we walked along the beach into the town one morning while we were in Wales, we walked past a group making a giant heart in the sand with Afghanistan written inside. Sometimes there seems so very little one can do except watch a horrible situation from afar, and seeing people writing a little love into the sand ... well, love is never wasted. If nothing else, it acted as a brief reminder to people walking past. 

While we were away M's synagogue sent out an appeal for clothing, toys and so on for some Afghani refugee families that had arrived locally. We wanted to help, but by the time we arrived home they had already received more items than they needed . A week or so ago they asked for donations of consumable items, particularly nappies, baby wipes and toiletries. M bought a batch and mentioned it to a neighbour who was also keen to help. He then put a note onto the WhatsApp group we share with about half a dozen of our nearest neighbours. Thanks to their generosity this was the pile that M delivered to the synagogue yesterday. We really do have lovely neighbours! 

Last week was busy. Life really does seem to have stepped up into high gear again, with TG back at school, work, music and time spent catching up with friends. On Friday evening a dear friend and her fiancĂ© came over for dinner, the first time we had seen them since before the pandemic - there was lots of talk and lots of laughter. Today I spent part of the morning helping move band music to a different storage area, then this afternoon played my violin at an orchestra rehearsal. I gave another old friend a lift, which gave us a chance to catch up with each other properly. Next week is looking busy again, kicking off with a trip to the orthodontist for TG in the morning to get braces. She had braces for several months a few years ago, to straighten a very crooked front tooth, but she has had to wait until now to have full braces put in as her baby teeth were very slow to fall out. While obviously not looking forward to the discomfort, she is glad to finally be able to get it done. 

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