It snowed yesterday! We usually get snow that settles at least once in a year, though often it is very short-lived. Yesterday we had our first (and possibly only!) snow of the winter, with about two inches settling. At 14 TG has decided that staying snuggled up in the warm is where it's at and playing in the snow is now no longer appealing. M and I went out for a walk in the afternoon, by which time the snow on the footpaths had mostly been trampled into ice or slush. We ended up doing Saturday's walk in reverse, along the canal and back up through the woods. There was a little more snow in the evening and today has been cold so it hasn't yet melted. I don't think it will last past tomorrow though.
By the time I got back from yesterday's walk I was exhausted. I think two weeks of daily yoga that I am not used to, together with 3 mile walks on three consecutive days, was more than my body needed. It seems I still need to pace myself a bit after last year's post viral slump. In the end I missed yesterday's yoga, although I wanted to do it as it was only a wind-down stretch. I am having issues with playing on-demand classes, which I think may be down to the yoga studio's system as I have tried everything I can think of to make it work, and when I checked our download speeds they seemed fine. Tonight I gave up and did a Yoga with Adrienne class on You Tube. I also didn't go for a walk. M had arranged to meet up with a friend for a walk while I worked this afternoon so he still got some exercise. I must admit I was glad of the rest!
I am finding even days when I am not working are full, despite lockdown. I finished the book on Endell Street hospital I was reading yesterday and used its bibliography to pad out the list of things I want to read as background for the story of my adventurous women. I also have quite a list of archives and libraries I want to visit once it becomes feasible again. H cooked roast chicken for dinner yesterday and I was hoping there would be enough leftovers to make a chicken pie this evening. There weren't so we ended up having brunch for dinner - hash browns, scrambled eggs, baked beans and vegan sausages.
H suggested that we spend an hour playing a board game yesterday evening before a Face Time chat she had arranged with her friends, so we played Mega Monopoly. We definitely prefer this to the standard Monopoly - it has extra properties, an extra dice, and skyscrapers as well as hotels. It sounds as though it would make the game take longer, but it actually speeds it up and makes it more interesting. TG won, making it two out of the last three games for her. She is a cautious hoarder of money and it seems to be paying off!
One small task I did over the weekend was to download the NHS (National Health Service) app onto my phone. I hadn't realised it existed until I read a reference to it somewhere and wasn't sure quite what it would do. It turned out that it logs in through the government web portal, which means having to go through various steps to prove identity including facial matching with photo ID, but it only took me about ten minutes to get it done. I can now book medical appointments, order repeat prescriptions and view my medical records through the app, which makes things very easy. I did think about data security, but reckoned that the iPhone data is probably more secure than the NHS system, and as my data is on that already it wouldn't make much difference.
While I remember ... we have an owl in the neighbourhood. I have been hearing it at night a lot over the last few weeks. For some illogical reason I assumed it was a barn owl even though there are no barns or similar buildings nearby, but when I listened to owl calls online I realised it is a tawny owl, which makes much more sense.