Monday, 18 January 2021

Monday Flowers

Another busy work day today for all of us. M finished at lunchtime and went out to the local shop to buy bread and milk. He also picked up a cheap bunch of crysanthamums to fill a gap in the living room. The large poinsettia I bought back in November had been sitting on this table, and since the plant wilted and died it has looked rather bare. I can't remember whether I mentioned before that after Christmas I decided we needed new vases. I eventually realised that the reason flowers somehow always looked disappointing was because for years I had been shoving them into vases that were just the wrong shape. This one allows the flowers to spread out and gives them much more water to drink and makes it look as though my flower arranging skills are less pathetic! As they were very reasonably priced I bought the same vase in two sizes: this large one and a smaller one which will be nice for things like daffodils. M and I like the simple glass, though H thinks it is too plain. The flowers are really brightening up this corner. 

After lunch we went for a 30 minute walk, and when I finished work I did a 25 minute yoga class. It would have been a longer one, but the broadband was not cooperating and it kept freezing so I had to switch to another class on You Tube. While we walked we were talking about how impressed we are with home working and home schooling is going, and with the way everyone just gets up and on with their work in the mornings. You would expect it with H, but for a 14 year old TG really is very self-contained and self-motivated. Partly her own personality, and partly following H's example, we think. She gets herself up with plenty of time to start her day with an espresso (she likes strong coffee!) and breakfast, works through her online school day without any fuss or input from us, makes her own lunch, and generally functions more like a young adult than a young teen. Definitely a strong independent streak there, though perhaps not quite as extreme as her eldest sister who at two declared "I do it mine self! I do everything mine self!" and never looked back. 

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