Wednesday 26 August 2020

Going Wild

I am trying, little by little, to reduce the amount of plastic, especially single use plastic, I use. I have a long way to go, but try to take small positive steps in the right direction. My latest switch is to a refillable deodorant. I ordered a starter pack of Wild Natural Deodorant, which arrived earlier this week. So far, so good. It is a deodorant, not an anti-perspirant, so feels a bit different but seems to be working OK. You get a reusable case, made of metal and recycled plastic in a choice of colours, and a refill in recyclable/compostable packaging. I picked a rose fragrance for the first refill, and have set up a subscription order for three other scents to try over the next few months. I like that it is all natural, vegan ingredients, as well as being more sustainable and plastic free. The downside is that it is going to work out more expensive, but I'm in the fortunate position that I can afford to pay a bit more for a "greener" option, and I know it is helping to support a small company rather than putting extra profits into the coffers of a giant conglomerate.  

I have also been decluttering and sorting out clothes this week. M had a last box of stuff from the garage to take to a charity shop this morning, and I managed to fill a bag of clothes for him to take with it. Unfortunately in a rush to add a few last bits I managed to scrape my arm on the edge of a metal basket and give myself an impressive scratch on my arm. Oops! Fortunately it looks worse than it is and there wasn't much blood! I am aiming to do something approximating to Project 333 and sort out a capsule wardrobe of 33 items for 3 months. I still have some more wardrobe sorting and decluttering to do, but it is starting to look much tidier - partly because out of season clothes are in over-full boxes under the bed.

H is back from her trip to Italy. It was an easy run to the airport, taking just over 90 minutes each way for a 90 mile run. It is always a bit unpredictable as it includes a large, unavoidable and busy chunk of the M25 London orbital motorway, which on a bad day can lead to big delays. Today was good, with only one five minute delay on the way there and none on the way back. She had a good time and found it fairly similar to the UK in terms of Covid precautions, though with more people wearing masks outdoors and masks compulsory when moving around in restaurants. She was staying in Umbria, which escaped the worst of the outbreak and has had only 30 Covid deaths. 

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