Another industrious morning with everyone working, at least to start with. H had an online Italian conversation exam mid-morning, then breathed a huge sigh of relief (she said it went ok) and went out into the garden to soak up the sun.
Today was the hottest of the year so far so we went for our walk straight after lunch, before the temperature hit is maximum We kept it short and went back to the nice cool woods. We stopped and chatted for a bit to a neighbour - he and his wife have two young children and are both juggling working from home with childcare, which is challenging. Again I appreciated how lucky we are that TG is old enough to be quite self-sufficient, in many ways functioning more like a fourth adult in the house. I spotted another jay, and this time managed to get a slightly better photo. After we got home I sat in the garden and finished off a bit of work from this morning and did an online grocery order with Waitrose for the beginning of June.
The bread bin, biscuit tin and tea / coffee / sugar canisters I had ordered arrived yesterday, so later on in the afternoon H had a clear out in the kitchen, got rid of all the junk that had accumulated on the windowsills and generally tidied up. This is how neat it looked after she finished - a big improvement! I have ordered some storage baskets for the cupboards and she is going to reorganise them next week.
H had a craving for macaroni cheese so we made that for dinner, then watched the end of the first part of HP and the Deathly Hallows. Seven films down, one to go! We watched a bit more TV, then played a game of scattergories.
Your kitchen looks good! My kitchen could do with a tidy up. But I'm enjoying just relaxing at the moment for a change.
Jays are lovely birds, I haven't seen one round here for quite a while
Mine needed the tidy up! H is looking for missions as she has virtually finished uni. She is planning to decorate the bathroom once she is done with the kitchen.
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