Friday, 8 May 2020

Staying Home: Day 53

We were running out of some basics so I took TG down to Tesco Express this morning to pick them up. I wanted to post this picture of the socially distanced queue in the hope that one day it will be a "do you remember when we all had to queue 2 metres apart because of Covid" thing, and people will look at pictures and be amazed that we had to live like this.  

I subscribed to the Ordnance Survey's maps app yesterday so that I could see their more detailed maps with all the footpaths and rights of way. I spent a bit of time this morning planning out routes that we can use for walks, varying in length from 2 miles to nearly 6 miles. Getting ambitious! Our walk today was relatively short as M was tired after mowing the grass this morning, and we wanted to get back for 3pm when there was a plan for a socially distanced street party with our neighbours to commemorate VE Day. Our road had not done much in the way of decorating - a few flags but no bunting or balloons - but we walked past this house where someone had been very busy with pavement chalk.

I counted up nine sets of neighbours sitting out at the end of their driveways, chatting across our socially distanced spaces. I think it was good to have that bit of socialising, and out in the open air I think the risks were minimal, but I do worry that too many people will not have been keeping up with the social distancing today, tempted by a combination of the bank holiday, the good weather, and the promise that there will be some reduction in the lockdown announced tomorrow. We may - or may not, who knows! - get a full road map of how we get to a new normal and how the economy will be opened up again. I'm afraid I am having one of my pessimistic evenings, worrying about what comes next. I wish I could believe that our government has the competence to steer us out of this successfully. Unfortunately taken as a whole, I think we have the least able, lowest calibre set of senior ministers I have known in my lifetime. It isn't even about politics - there have been plenty of times when I have disagreed with past government politically, but could still recognise that they were competent as individuals. This lot just seem to be scrabbling around, making things up as they go along, giving us waffle and soundbites instead of substance. I can only hope I am misjudging them.

H is still working hard but took a break to make chocolate almond cookies, and M baked a cake this morning. We are now down to a single egg again as there weren't any in the shop this morning. I cooked cottage pie for dinner with green beans from the veg box and sweetcorn from the freezer. After dinner we had a Zoom quiz with band friends with M as quizmaster, which he enjoys doing and is good at. H, TG and I were a team, though TG missed the first half as she had an online dance class. Oh, and H went for a run first thing this morning - she has now worked up to running a regular 5K, but is a little frustrated that she her time has been exactly the same for the last three runs, and she can't seem to get it any quicker.

I did spend a bit of time out in the garden reading, listening to my audiobook and sewing, but overall it has been a busy day. I am very clearly in introvert mode as socialising - even virtually - drains my batteries. I'm now looking forward to a quiet, relaxing weekend to recharge.


elli said...

I watched and enjoyed the Queen's V-E message :-) lovely chalked message .... and oh! I agree with you re: politicians who present as being utterly incompetent! Dangerously so! These are trying times, indeed.

Kathryn said...

It is extraordinary to have a head of state who is a living link with VE Day and who can speak from her own experience. Let's hope 2020 is a turning point and we start moving away from the incompetents.