Monday, 25 May 2020

Staying Home: Day 70

Whitsun Bank Holiday today and another lovely sunny day. One of the saving graces of the past couple of months has been the weather. Lockdown would have been so much worse if it had been wet and miserable, but this has been a beautiful spring. I woke up with an irritating headache, which has bothered me off and on all day but now seems to be clearing properly. 

H and R have both subscribed to a fitness app which offers almost endless exercise classes. H did one this morning that was live and participants compete against each other to see who works hardest - it uses exercise data from Apple Watch (and presumably Fitbits and other exercise devices) to calculate effort. R messaged this morning with photos of a foster dog she is expecting to arrive soon. She has signed up as a foster carer for a dog rescue charity, and will take care of him until he is found a forever home. She and her partner already have a dog of their own who likes other dogs, and she will be working from home so is in a good position to look after another dog and help him get settled. 

I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen today. I used up the remains of last week's veg box and made potato salad and coleslaw for lunch; for dinner I used some leftover chicken to make a chicken and mushroom pie with roasted sweet potato and courgette. I wandered in and out of the garden - more in than out today as the heat wasn't agreeing with my headache - and read bits of my book. I also spent quite a bit of time doing some family history digging. I had been contacted by a distant relative about an elusive joint ancestor, and think I may have identified him. It doesn't really help a lot as I think I can only take the tree back one more generation, and can't be certain I have the right person. 

M and I were very late going for our walk as we wanted to watch Dominic Cummings statement explaining his actions, which ran late and was (we thought) very unconvincing. At least today I am not feeling quite as angry and frustrated as I was yesterday. I forgot to say when I wrote yesterday's blog that I was so cross I emailed our MP. I still think he completely broke the spirit of the law, even if he is able to find loopholes in the regulations, and that he should be sacked as he clearly won't resign. I'm hoping that public opinion will force him to go, though even if it does I'm afraid the damage to the credibility of anything the government now says about how people should behave during this crisis is irreparable. 

We ended up with just a short half hour walk round the woods before making dinner. Being among the shady trees is lovely when the weather is hot. After dinner we watched the second half of Blinded by the Light, the film about a Pakistani Luton boy who wanted to be a writer that we started a couple of nights ago. 

Back to work again tomorrow after a lovely relaxing weekend. Or, at least, relaxing when I wasn't getting into a stew about politics!

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