M and I went for a walk round the woods again today, and slightly regretted it as it was a bit too muddy for ordinary trainers and we hadn't thought to put our walking boots on. This field is managed together with the woodland and for the last two or three years has been used to grow fast growing willow for biofuel. Presumably it is now having a fallow year as there were grazing sheep.
TG didn't emerge from her room for breakfast until midday, then finished off a bit of school work left over from last week. H carried on with her uni work, then cooked us a roast dinner. She has been determined to master good yorkshire puddings. Last week's came out a bit too crisp, but this week she cracked it, thanks to a Mary Berry recipe. Despite having a Yorkshire woman for a mother, I fail abysmally every time I try to make them, and end up with soggy flat things which stick to the bottom of the pan. H's were fluffy and perfect, just waiting to have gravy poured into the middle.
In fact, the whole dinner was pretty perfect, with roast beef, roast potatoes, broccoli, brussels and little honey roasted carrots. We have realised ordering a take away roast dinner is likely to be a disappointment compared to H's cooking!
We got back on the movie wagon and watched Beauty and the Beast - very familiar soundtrack for TG, who was in a school performance last December. We then had a long family Zoom call with R. Now M is zooming with other friends and the two girls are working on the current jigsaw.
Back to work tomorrow. I am so enjoying having work free weekends!
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