Thursday, 1 April 2021

And Then There Were Three

H and M2 are now officially moved in to their new home. We tried not to break too many Covid rules in the process, but between us helping to transport and unpack, and M2's parents also helping to transport and lending their DIY skills, there was some inevitable mingling of households. All four of us "oldies" are at least partially vaccinated and nobody has been in any high risk environments, so we just exercised common sense. 

(All the male members of our immediate family inconsiderately have the same initial. Even more inconsiderately both R and H's partners not only have the same name, but their surnames start with the same letter. I have decided H's BF may as well be M2 and R's can be M3. That may make them sound like motorways, but tough!)

It is a really nice little house, and they have made great choices with all the optional bits - flooring, carpet, kitchen units, bathroom tiles and so on. They love it. There are a few teething troubles to sort out, such as lack of internet - the cable was only connected a day or so ago and they could not sort out a contract until that had been done, and the mobile signal is terrible so that they can't even use their phones as hotspots - but it won't be long before they have everything as they want it. Their house is part of the initial phase of a new estate, and one of six houses which have been completed this week. There is still a lot of building work going on around them, and the road hasn't been properly surfaced yet, but it shouldn't take too long before their section of the estate is finished. They made a good call buying when they did, even if it does mean living with builders around for a while - in the six months since they agreed their purchase house prices have risen and an identical house round the corner is now being sold for £15,000 more, which would have put it out of their price range.

So now we are down to just three of us left at home. We can see floor space in the garage and H's room looks very empty. A new phase of life is beginning. 


elli said...

What a lovely lovely blessing for them to be settling into their new home!

Blessed Triduum to you, Kathryn🙏🏻

Kathryn said...

It is! And thank you :)