Friday, 15 May 2020

Staying Home: Day 60

I had my first ever Microsoft Teams meeting while I was working this morning, to discuss a social media event we have been invited to participate in by a certain large genealogy subscription website. I have only been using Zoom socially, so Teams was new for me. Fortunately I had got everything  set up right. After that I stumbled on a mess of broken links on our website - I'm hoping we can simply get rid of the offending pages rather than have to spend lots of time fixing them.

M had backache today so we went for a slightly shorter walk this afternoon. The bluebells are coming to the end now, but there are lots of buttercups. There was no afternoon cake today as we had planned a Chinese takeaway for tonight and needed to order it quite early as TG had a late dance class. H got her last essay finished, and TG (as always!) is nicely up to date with her schoolwork. As the weather is better again I spent a bit more time this afternoon camped out in the hammock in the garden. I meant to read or listen to my audio book, but got distracted by Twitter and news articles. The girls did some exercise together (power abs yoga!) and then went for a walk, the first time TG had been out in a few days. She spends time in the garden when the weather is nice and is dancing regularly, so we aren't pushing her to go out for walks.

We continued the Harry Potter binge, watching most of HP and the Order of the Phoenix before and after our takeaway dinner, but had to stop because of TG's dance class. H has been enjoying fantasy house shopping and creating Pinterest boards. Now facemasks are happening.


Anonymous said...

Face marks? Face painting or Face masks?

Kathryn said...

Oops! That would be face masks ;)