Monday, 18 May 2020

Staying Home: Day 63

Not much to say today and I didn't even take any photographs on our walk, so a very dull diary entry. I did my archives work this morning, while both the girls worked and M did some housework. No freelance work on the go at the moment so that is giving us both a lot of free time. After lunch we went for a walk across the fields and back, about three miles in total. H spent quite a bit of the afternoon soaking up the sun in the garden, then did some exercise. TG was also out in the garden for a while before her dance class.

I used the chicken which didn't defrost properly yesterday to make a pot roast, with Spanish-style potatoes and peas. While it cooked we watched the rest of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. By dinner time H was virtually asleep so ended up eating after the rest of us. She seemed very tired and limp this evening, and went up to bed early.

It has been another warm day and is forecast to get hotter by the middle of the week, so we swapped our winter duvet for a lightweight summer one. That probably guarantees we will have a run of cold nights! Our eldest daughter messaged us tonight to say that she is starting back at work tomorrow after being furloughed. She will be working entirely from home, and working in marketing rather than recruitment - a planned change that was supposed to happen at the beginning of April. She has enjoyed having a few lazy weeks, but is looking forward to starting something new.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey there,

It's good to be able to at least get out for walks, we haven't been out for a drive yet, but we might have to try some new places to walk soon. Gary is on furlough at the moment, but will be back at work for a couple of weeks at the end of the month, then he might be back on furlough again. It feels a little endless sometimes, but at other times I'm enjoying the quietness.

Sarah :)