Tuesday 16 June 2020

Staying Home: Day 92

Not much to say about today. Most of us worked this morning, while H started redecorating the bathroom. She has decided to find herself projects to keep busy over the next two and a half months before she starts her job in September. Normally she would have put in some shifts at the cafe where she has worked for over five years, but they are still closed and are unlikely to need extra staff when they reopen. There aren't many temporary jobs around, and she doesn't want to take on anything that might increase our risk, so she is having to keep herself occupied at home. Today she stripped off the old wallpaper (only one wall is papered) and painted the ceiling.

M and I did one of our usual three mile walks, then I spent some time in the hammock in the garden while he went out and put some diesel in the car for the first time in three months. I intended to read, but got distracted by Twitter and playing Scrabble on my phone. Later on we watched the rest of Star Wars Episode IV and an episode of The Chase, and I worked on my cross stitch.  We had intended to BBQ tonight but the weather forecast said it was likely to rain, so we changed plan and had fish from today's fish box instead. In fact there was thunder, but no rain. M baked a madeira cake this afternoon, and H baked some chocolate pampers (swirly chocolate pastries) this evening. I feel as though I have frittered away quite a bit of time today when I could have been reading or doing something else constructive. Ah well!

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